Chapter 5 - Play, Rhythm, Tolerance, Run in

Notions of play, tolerance and stride are essential for allowing the implementation of rhythms but somewhat difficult to assimilate.

Play and rhythm in mechanic

In mechanic, the relative play is the difference of dimension in between male and female parts, which is necessary for parts fitting together and produces their function.

Tolerance is the possible fluctuation of the theoretical play in between the male and the female parts. There should be enough play but not too much. An adaptation of the theoretical play will take place along with the actual functioning after some times.

Play and rhythm in life phenomena

Similarly to mechanic, the social laws and rules must possess enough tolerance within their rhythms of application for becoming productive, otherwise they might kill.

Within theatre, there is a process of construction of space and time, as and when actors get acquainted to each other respective rhythms and parts. Along such process the play will come in naturally for achieving a stride, a smooth functioning of the part.

As well the importance of play and time appear clearly within the process of cell development. It appears by the notion of epigenesist, which is an adequation in between forms and rhythms during the replication phenomena.

Play through the possibility it procures, allows for an economy of means both material and intellectual.

We assume a global play that would be scale invariant when declined through all the local temporalities.

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