By essence, the scientific ideal aims at gathering by
means of logical deduction and a minimum number of hypotheses,
a maximum number of experimental results. The coherent
vision of space by Newton has long time represented such
an ideal. This vision has been used by Western scientists
for developing their researches and is still productive
However a new vision has come to complement the one of
Newton, which is the space time continuum. But such concept
has not been supported by a representation which could
have allowed for its integration by people including by
scientists themselves.
The concept of the temporal wave procures such representation
and enables the assimilation of the various temporalities
of the space time continuum as proposed by: Arts, Religions,
Philosophies and Sciences.
It enhances the fundamental role of mathematics and music
and by consequence of sacred. It facilitates the assimilation
of such notions as: Chaos, Aufhebung, Transfinite and
Infinite, Play, Crystallization, Synchronicity, Time,
Tolerance, Unitary field, Entropy, Sacred, Soul, Crossing,
CPT theorem, Return to future, Fusion and Fission, Ideas,
Scale invariance.